
Congrats are in order..

First of all, Congrats to Leala for being appointed Dark Mistress (Head) of the Black Ajah!!!
Also, congrats to the Brown Ajah for adding Talon to their ranks!!!


  • A final choice on Sitters for the next term are due no later than Jan 31st! The term starts Feb 1st so we would like to have them as soon as possible!
  • We will be rearranging the forums once again in an attempt to make it easier to navigate.  The thread is still open in the Hall if your Sitters have not added their input!

To contribute to the blog, please PM Cerena


A'vron Ayende v.20.12

With the coming of this new year, A'vron is undergoing a few changes.  first, this blog will be taking the place of our newsletter, The Druken Bard. We will be tweaking our forum structure in an effort to make the boards more user friendly. We will also be eliminating and opening a few staff positions, keep an eye out in the announcement forum for applications! 

We would like to thank the following outgoing staff: Lyssa Sedai of the Brown Ajah, Morwynna Sedai of the Red Ajah and Nymeria Sedai of the Black Ajah for all they have done in their time as Ajah Head.  Ladies, we appreciate all that you have done for us and hope to be able to continue enjoying your presence with us.

We are currently in the process of electing Sitters for our spring/summer term, check your Ajah board for details!!

As always, if you know a friend or have an acquaintance that might be interested in please share the link with them and on any social media outlets you may be a member of.  I for one would really enjoy seeing a huge influx of new JM this year!!!!

Yours in the Light
The Flame of Tar Valon
The Amyrlin Seat
Cerena al'Kamryn Sedai